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Image by Sean Pollock

Business Formation

Many clients contact us because they are staring a new business venture, and need to form a Texas LLC, Partnership, LLP, Corporation, or any other Texas business entity. We can help you choose the best business vehicle for your startup. Call 832.509.0445 for a free consultation.












While there are too many legal considerations to list in this article, here is a brief checklist that you and your attorney might discuss when…

Starting a New Business in Texas…the Checklist

  • Determine the best legal entity for your new business venture.
    This will often be heavily guided by 2 driving factors: (1) tax considerations, and (2) liability concerns. Your attorney will ask you to consider how you want your business to be taxed and help you consider the best options.

    Some will choose pass-through taxation, others may require a more sophisticated taxing method like those offered by C-corp structures.

    Often the issue of liability is what causes people to form a business entity in the first place. Any Houston Business Attorney will tell you that it is very important to protect your personal assets from liability incurred by the business.


  • State & Federal Licensing and Permitting Requirements
    Every year the business world gets more complex, and consequently, more heavily regulated. Your business venture is likely to be regulated by Federal, State, City, and County government entities, as well as local municipalities.

    Our business lawyers will help you navigate any potential pitfalls in this arena.


  • Employer Requirements
    Once again, both the Federal government and State government are likely to impose certain employer requirements on just about any new business. It is important for you to discuss these with your attorney to verify that you are in compliance with any such laws.

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